Fundada em 1987 por Berthaldo Soares, a Tarde com Maria teve seu início como um evento, que consistia na oração do terço, louvor e missa em agradecimento a Nossa Senhora, por tê-lo curado de uma grave doença. Com eventos anuais, ininterruptos, sempre em honra a Virgem Santíssima e com total fidelidade a Igreja, tomou ao longo do tempo grandes proporções, tornando-se primeiro um evento oficial do Vicariato, posteriormente da Arquidiocese do Rio de Janeiro até ser considerada a maior procissão urbana do mundo.

Ao completar 20 anos de eventos consecutivos em honra a Virgem Santíssima, a Tarde com Maria, através de seu fundador, recebeu a missão de construir uma réplica da Capela das Aparições de Nossa Senhora de Fátima, Portugal.  Missão esta abraçada também por sua mulher, Kenya Camerotte Soares, na qual se empenharam com muita oração e trabalho até sua concretização.

Então em 2011, como coroação pelos 25 anos de evangelização, a Tarde com Maria inaugurou a Capela das Aparições do Brasil, a única réplica no mundo da Capela das Aparições de Portugal. 

Localizada dentro do Santuário de Nossa Senhora de Fátima na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, a Capela das Aparições do Brasil tem como missão difundir a mensagem de Fátima.  Difusão essa feita também através dos milhões de minutos visualizados pelas transmissões das nossas missas, terços, adorações ao Santíssimo Sacramento, procissões de velas, Ofícios, entre outras orações, via TV, site e mídias sociais, não somente para todo o Brasil, mas também para fies do mundo todo.

A Tarde com Maria tem ainda outro ponto fundamental de atuação: a obra social. Nascida na pandemia com a situação de vulnerabilidade de milhares de desempregados, produz em sua cozinha e padaria industriais, diariamente, 10 mil pães e 1000 pratos de comida.

Evangelização e caridade fazem da Tarde com Maria uma linda obra de amor a Deus e também ao próximo.

Our Church Was Open

We have a strong sense of community with parishioners. People and children of all ages here are encouraged to learn about their own faith and the role of the church in our community and worldwide. We have a strong sense of community with parishioners. People and children of all ages here are encouraged to learn about their own faith and the role of the church in our community and worldwide. We have a strong sense of community with parishioners. People and children of all ages here are encouraged to learn about their own faith and the role of the church in our community and worldwide.

Our Church Was Open

We have a strong sense of community with parishioners. People and children of all ages here are encouraged to learn about their own faith and the role of the church in our community and worldwide. We have a strong sense of community with parishioners. People and children of all ages here are encouraged to learn about their own faith and the role of the church in our community and worldwide. We have a strong sense of community with parishioners. People and children of all ages here are encouraged to learn about their own faith and the role of the church in our community and worldwide.

Our Church Was Open

We have a strong sense of community with parishioners. People and children of all ages here are encouraged to learn about their own faith and the role of the church in our community and worldwide. We have a strong sense of community with parishioners. People and children of all ages here are encouraged to learn about their own faith and the role of the church in our community and worldwide. We have a strong sense of community with parishioners. People and children of all ages here are encouraged to learn about their own faith and the role of the church in our community and worldwide.

Our Church Was Open

We have a strong sense of community with parishioners. People and children of all ages here are encouraged to learn about their own faith and the role of the church in our community and worldwide. We have a strong sense of community with parishioners. People and children of all ages here are encouraged to learn about their own faith and the role of the church in our community and worldwide. We have a strong sense of community with parishioners. People and children of all ages here are encouraged to learn about their own faith and the role of the church in our community and worldwide.

Our Church Was Open

We have a strong sense of community with parishioners. People and children of all ages here are encouraged to learn about their own faith and the role of the church in our community and worldwide. We have a strong sense of community with parishioners. People and children of all ages here are encouraged to learn about their own faith and the role of the church in our community and worldwide. We have a strong sense of community with parishioners. People and children of all ages here are encouraged to learn about their own faith and the role of the church in our community and worldwide.

Pessoas Assistidas
+ 0 Mi
Pães Doados
+ 0 Mi
Pratos de Comida
+ 0 Mil
Cestas Básicas
+ 0 Mil
+ 0 Mil